Complete SOUV system with electric motor
Complete SOUV system with electric motor
The traditional SOUV system. Hand built in Cyprus, this authentic, back-to-basics cooking system offers endless potential. Perfect for souvla (long skewers) or souvlaki (short skewers), this set includes everything you need:
- Black 2.5mm stainless checker-plate steel base, dimensions 700 x 325 x 90mm
- Heavy duty, variable speed 12/240V electric motor with Australian plug
- Attached gear system with adjustable height and 3 stainless steel, wooden handled long skewers for souvla
- Additional lengthways gear system and 11 stainless steel, wooden handled short skewers for souvlaki
- Removable stainless steel legs
Please allow 5 – 10 business days for delivery within Australia.